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Burmese Amber Bracelet Beads - the collector's edition, various type of Ambers

Burmese Amber Bracelet Beads - the collector's edition, various type of Ambers

SKU: BLC001061104PM

Introducing Burmese Amber Bracelet Beads - A Perfect Accessory for Style and Health!

Discover the stunning beauty and healing properties of Burmese Amber Bracelets, available in various types and grades. The collector's edition, 100% natural Burmese amber, the bracelet is a perfect mix of elegance and health benefits.


Types of Amber Bracelets:


  • Root (Wood patterns) amber
  • Honey amber with clear swirl cloud patterns.
  • Golden yellow amber
  • Mila-Amber
  • Red-Cognac Amber
  • Guru bead Amber, made of Root amber (wood pattern), specially crafted for you.


Features of Our Collectable Amber Pieces:


  • Made of 100% pure natural Burmese amber, no indication of heating or treatments. 
  • Available in different types of premium grade Burmese Amber. 
  • Bead sizes: 11.1-11.4 mm.
  • Total weight: 15.7 grams.
  • Visible swirl cloud patters on each beads. 


Benefits of Wearing Burmese Amber Bracelets:


  • Natural pain relief
  • Boosts immune system
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Balances emotions


Pricing and Delivery:


  • Collectable amber pieces for 622.00 USD* Shipment fees included. **
  • Certificate costs start at 50 USD (Addtional Request) 
  • 1 day express delivery within Bangkok and its vicinity ***
  • Delivery service by the shop within 3 hours in central of Bangkok and within 1 day for outer Bangkok and its vicinity.


Shop with Confidence:


  • Any customer who is interested can inquire via inbox, including all amber pieces available in the shop.
  • Follow us on Facebook:
  • Contact us: +66(0)631959922
  • Connect with us on Line ID: vkamber91 or
  • WeChat ID: vkamber91
  • Email us:


Elevate your style and improve your health with Burmese Amber Bracelet Beads. Shop now and experience the magical benefits of natural amber!


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