The current availability of Burmese Amber, including production levels and any factors that may affect supply.
The current availability of Burmese Amber is limited, due to several factors that affect its production and supply.

1. Production levels: According to the Myanmar Gemstone Enterprise, the production of Burmese Amber in Myanmar was approximately 1,500 tons in 2018. This is considered a relatively low production level compared to other gemstones.
2. Mining restrictions: The mining of Burmese Amber is heavily restricted in Myanmar, and is only permitted in certain areas of the Kachin State. This limits the amount of Amber that can be extracted and thus affects the availability.
3. Environmental concerns: The mining of Burmese Amber can have a negative impact on the environment, and there have been calls to limit or stop the mining of Amber in Myanmar. This may affect the future availability of Burmese Amber.
4. Black market activities: A significant portion of Burmese Amber is extracted and sold through illegal black market activities. This makes it difficult to accurately estimate the availability of Amber.
5. Export restriction: The export of Burmese Amber is restricted by Myanmar government, which affects the availability of Burmese Amber outside of Myanmar.

Amber mines in Kachin, Myanmar

Amber mines in Kachin, Myanmar

Amber mines in Kachin, Myanmar

Overall, the availability of Burmese Amber is currently limited due to low production levels, mining restrictions, environmental concerns and black market activities. It is expected that the restriction on the export of Burmese Amber will continue to affect its availability in international markets.