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Privacy Policy

Welcome to Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd.'s Privacy Policy. We protect customer privacy and comply with Thailand's Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). This policy describes the pers4onal data we collect, processing methods, security measures, and customer rights. Please read carefully to understand how we handle your personal data.

Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems - Privacy Policy.webp

I. Introduction

At Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd., we are committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of our customers. We believe that maintaining the confidentiality of our customers' personal information is of utmost importance, and we strive to uphold the highest standards of data protection.

The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Thailand is a comprehensive law that governs the collection, use, disclosure, and storage of personal data. It sets out the legal framework for how personal data should be handled by organizations, including our company. As a responsible data controller, we take our obligations under the PDPA seriously and are committed to complying with its requirements.

In this Privacy Policy, we explain how we collect, use, disclose, and store personal data, as well as the rights and choices that you have with respect to your personal data. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our practices and how we handle your personal data. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the handling of your personal data, please contact us using the details provided at the end of this document.

II. Scope of the Policy

At Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd., we collect and process various types of personal data from our customers. This may include:

  • Contact information such as name, email address, phone number, and mailing address

  • Account information such as username and password

  • Order information such as products purchased, payment details (which will be conducted and proceeded by 3rd party outside the domain, such as Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, GB Prime Pay etc.), and shipping address

  • Customer service information such as inquiries and complaints


However, it's important to note that payment information will be conducted and processed by third-party payment processors outside of our domain.

This policy applies only to the personal data that we collect and process. It does not cover any data collected by third-party sites that may link to Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd.'s website. Please be sure to review the privacy policies of any third-party sites before providing any personal data.

III. Purposes of Data Collection and Processing

At Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd., we collect and process personal data for several purposes, which include fulfilling orders, providing customer service, and marketing our products and services to customers. Specifically, the types of personal data that we collect may include names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and order history.

We ensure that we obtain customers' consent before collecting and processing their personal data. Consent may be obtained through various means, including by having customers provide their personal data voluntarily through our website or by obtaining explicit consent through checkboxes or other methods. We also make sure that customers are aware of the purposes for which their data will be used and any third parties that may have access to their data.

It is important to note that any payment information, such as credit card or bank account details, are not collected or processed by Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. This information is conducted and processed by third-party payment providers, such as PayPal, VISA, Mastercard and GB Prime Pay, which have their own privacy policies in place. We encourage our customers to review these policies carefully to understand how their payment information is collected, processed, and protected.

Additionally, it is important to note that Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. is not responsible for any personal data collected by third-party sites that link to our website. These sites may have their own privacy policies and data collection practices, and we encourage our customers to review them before sharing their personal data with these sites.

IV. Types of Personal Data Collected

At Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd., we collect and process various types of personal data in order to provide our customers with high-quality products and services. The types of personal data we collect include:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Shipping address

  • Billing address

  • Telephone number


We collect this data in order to fulfill orders, process payments, provide customer service, and send marketing communications, among other purposes. For example, we collect customers' shipping addresses so that we can ensure that their orders are delivered to the correct location, and we collect payment information in order to process transactions securely and efficiently.

We recognize that our customers' personal data is sensitive information and we are committed to protecting their privacy. As such, we only collect data that is necessary for our operations, and we take appropriate measures to ensure the security of the data that we collect. We do not sell or share our customers' personal data with third parties for marketing purposes.

V. Methods of Data Collection

At Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd., we collect personal data in various ways. Some of the ways in which we collect personal data include:

  • Directly from customers: We may collect personal data such as name, email address, and shipping address directly from customers when they place an order on our website or contact us for customer service.

  • Through website cookies: We may collect information about customers' browsing activity on our website through the use of cookies. This information may include customers' IP addresses, browser types, and device types.

  • Third-party sources: We may receive personal data from third-party sources such as social media platforms or data brokers.


We take the security of our customers' personal data very seriously. We have implemented security measures to protect against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of personal data during collection. For example, we use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect customers' personal data when they place an order on our website. We also limit access to personal data to authorized personnel only.

VI. Storage and Processing of Personal Data

Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. takes appropriate measures to ensure that personal data is stored and processed securely. We use secure cloud servers and encryption technologies to protect against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of customers' personal data.

We will retain customers' personal data only for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws and regulations. Once the personal data is no longer required, we will take steps to delete or anonymize it in accordance with our data retention policy.

In addition, Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. regularly reviews and updates our storage and processing methods to ensure that they continue to meet the highest standards of data protection.

VII. Sharing of Personal Data

At Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd., we recognize the importance of protecting our customers' personal data, and we only share this data with third parties when necessary to provide our services. This may include sharing personal data with payment processors, shipping providers, or other third-party service providers that we work with.

We ensure that any third-party data processors we work with are also compliant with the PDPA and other applicable data protection regulations. We take reasonable steps to ensure that any third parties who receive customers' personal data from us also have appropriate technical and organizational measures in place to protect the data and ensure its confidentiality.

When we share personal data with third parties, we do so only to the extent necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations to our customers or to comply with legal obligations. We do not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose customers' personal data to third parties for marketing or other purposes.

VIII. Customers' Rights

As a customer of Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd., you have several rights under the PDPA. These include the right to access your personal data held by the company, the right to request correction or updating of your personal data, the right to object to the processing of your personal data, and the right to request erasure of your personal data.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, you may contact Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. through the contact information provided on their website. The company will respond to your request within a reasonable time frame and provide information on the action taken in response to your request.

Please note that in certain circumstances, Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. may be unable to comply with your request due to legal or regulatory obligations. If this is the case, the company will inform you of the reasons for the refusal.

IX. Complaints and Disputes

If customers have any complaints or disputes regarding their personal data, they may contact Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. through the contact information provided on the website. The company is committed to resolving any complaints or disputes in a timely and fair manner.

Upon receiving a complaint or dispute, Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. will promptly acknowledge receipt and initiate an investigation into the matter. The investigation will be conducted in accordance with the company's policies and procedures and any applicable laws and regulations.

The company will keep the complainant informed of the progress of the investigation and the outcome of the dispute resolution process. If the company determines that corrective action is required, it will take appropriate measures to address the issue and prevent it from happening in the future.

Customers can also file complaints or disputes with the relevant regulatory authorities if they believe that Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. has not adequately addressed their concerns.

X. Updates to the Privacy Policy

When and how Vicky Burmese Amber & Gems Co., Ltd. may update the privacy policy will be explained in this section. This includes reasons for updating the policy, such as changes to the PDPA, and how customers will be notified of any changes. The notification will be provided via email or a notice on the company's website. It is recommended that customers periodically review the policy to ensure they are aware of any changes.

XI. Contact Information




  • Phone: WHATSAPP/TEL. +66(0)81 851 9922, +66(0)63 195 9922

  • Contact Person: MR. KRIS LAOHASIRI

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